Monday, January 27, 2020

Dopamine Neuron Characteristics

Dopamine Neuron Characteristics Said Mohammed Al Hakmani The question of this assignment Discuss the characteristics of a dopamine neuron and how does this relate to what has been achieved in the culture dish. Introduction In our body a lot of organs that make our function of movement and control. Parkinson’s disease affect our move. It happen when there is a problem of the certain of nervous cells in the brain. The nerve cells make an important chemical is named dopamine. The dopamine sends signals to the part of the brain that controls movement. Also, the dopamine lets the move of our muscle smoothly. The Parkinson’s disease breakdown the nerve cells that make the dopamine. When the person do not have enough dopamine the problem of move can start and the person cannot control the way where to move. (1) Figure 1 shows the nerve cells in the brain (1) The Parkinson’s disease is progressive, which means it gets worse over time. But this happen slowly many years. Until now no one know what acutely makes the nerve cells breakdown. However, scientists are doing a lot of research to know the reason of the cells breakdown. Some study say Parkinson disease is gene abnormal in some people but so far there is enough proof to show that its always inherited.(1)Braak’s hypothesis proposes that the Parkinson’s disease begins in the digestive tract and in the brain’s centre of smell. The theory is supported by the fact that symptoms associated with digestion and smell happen very early on the disease. Professor Jia- Yi Lis research team has now been able to tack this process further, from the gut to the brain in rat models. The experiment shows how the toxic protein alpha-synculein is transfer from one cell to another before reaching the brain’s movement centre, giving increase to the characteristic of movemen t in the Parkinson’s disease. He prove that disease process actually can travel from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system, in this case from the wall of the gut to the brain.(3) Usually people start to have symptoms of Parkinson’s disease between the ages of 50 and 60. But in certain case start earlier. The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease first may be notice is tremor which means shaking or trembling. And these may affect the hands, arms, or legs. It is one of the most common signs but not everyone has it. Also, not everyone with a tremor has Parkinson’s disease. The tremor often starts only one side of the body or just one arm or leg. In addition, Parkinson’s affects the stiff muscles all through the body, so it causes problems like trouble swallowing or constipation. In the later stages of Parkinson’s disease a person may have fixed expression trouble speaking and other problems. Some people lose mental skills. (1) A dopamine Dopamine is a chemical signal that transfers information from one neuron and the next neuron. It released the signals from the first neuron and it floats into the synapse (the space between the two neurons) to the second neuron. The receptors bumps the signals down to the receiving neurons. The dopamine interested in many different important pathways and it known as the mesolimbic pathways which starts with cells in the ventral tegmental area in the midbrain.(2) The dopamine plays numbers of roles in human and other animals. It controls many functions such as movement, memory, pleasurable reward, attention, sleep, learning, mood, inhibition of prolactin production, and behaviour. The increase and deficiency of this dopamine chemical is cause of several disease like Parkinson’ disease. In the brain, part called the basal ganglia regulates movement. Basal ganglia in turn depend on a certain amount of dopamine to function. The action of this occurs by dopamine receptors D 1-5. Th e deficiency in dopamine in the brain may become delayed and uncoordinated the movement and other function of the body. (3) The dopamine is important neurotransmitter in the brain substantial part of the overall dopamine in the body is produced outside the brain by mesenteric organs. The production of dopamine within the central nervous system, depend on the dopamine biosynthesis. There are two steps of dopamine biosynthesis takes place in the cytosol of CAergic neurons and starts with hydroxylase of L-tyrosine at the phenol ring by tyrosine hydroxylase to produce DOPA.(4) Stem cell The stem cell have potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. In many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, divided without limit to replace other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the ability either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell and other cells.(5) The stem cells are featured from other cell types by two important characteristics. First, they are capable of renewing themselves through cell division, sometimes after long periods of inactivity. Second, under some physiologic or experimental conditions, stem cell can be become tissue- or organ-specific cells with special functions. In certain organs, such as the gut and bone marrow, they regularly divide to repair and replace worn out or damaged tissues. In addition, in other organs, such as the pancreas and the heart, stem cells only divide under special conditions. (5) Scientists primarily worked with two types of stem cells from animals and humans: embryonic stem cells and non-embryonic somatic or adult stem cells. In 1981 Scientists discovered ways to derive embryonic stem cells from early mouse embryos nearly 30 years ago. In 1998 the detailed study of the biology of mouse stem cells led to the discovery. After that method to derive stem cells from human embryos and grow the cells in the laboratory. These cells are called human embryonic stem cells. The embryos used to studies were created for reproductive purposes through in vitro fertilization procedures. When they were no longer needed for that purpose, they were donated for research with the informed consent of the donor. Researchers made another breakthrough by identifying conditions that would allow some specialized adult cells to be reprogrammed† to assume a stem cell-like state in 2006. This new kind of stem cell, called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). (5) The Stem cells are important for living organisms for different reasons. In the three to five days old embryo, called a blastocyst, the inner cells give rise to the en tire body of the organism, include all of the many specialized cell types and organs such as the, lungs, heart, skin and other tissues. In certain adult tissues, such as bone marrow, brain, and muscle, the adult stem cells generate replacements for cells that are lost through normal injury, or disease. The stem cells make new potentials for treating diseases such as heart disease and Parkinson disease. However, much work remains to be done in the laboratory to understand how to use these cells therapies to treat disease.(5) Research on stem cells continues to advance about how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. The stem cell research is one of the fascinating areas in contemporary biology.(5) The laboratory of human embryonic stem cell The protocol of the laboratory that culture the stem cells must contain special equipment use to avoiding the contamination during make the HESC culture. The equipment that are use a CO2 incubator, that cannot use the detergent to clean use 70% of ethanol to get the best result to control the contamination. Used a biocontainment hood to control of microorganisms. A microscope with phase contrast optics to see the cell and colony morphology. A refrigerator 20Ć¹ and freezers 80Ć¹.Use the liquid nitrogen freezer to store the stocks of HESC and feeders. Also, need small water bath 37 Ć¹ to thawing the cell that are frozen.(6) Feeder culture The feeder culture use to growth of HESC. It prepare primary fibroblast that come from the CF-1 mice. The CF-1 mouse embryonic fibroblasts give the optimal growth of HESC without differentiation and recommended for many reason such as function well making feeder, available and cheaper. (6) The methods culture HESC The first thing need to culture the HESC is good feeder. Human embryonic stem cell should be passaged when the colonies reach size 300 to 500 cells. The plate should be passaged large culture of colonies. The cell always passaged to the plate of feeder cell less than seven days. (6) The materials that required for passaging Human embryonic stem cell are ESC medium, 15 ml centrifuge tubes, calcium/magnesium free PBS, collagenase type IV, cell scraper ,10 cm plates and 0.1% gelatin.(6) The procedure: Table show the methods of passaging HESC adopted steps only but I create the table (6) Growth of the HESC To growth the human embryonic stem cell transfer cell from preimplantation stage embryo to the culture dish. The cell will grow on the culture dish and will spread and divided on the surface of the media. The culture dish contain the mouse embryonic cell which provide the nutrients into the culture media to growth the cell. However, researcher now devised to grow the embryonic stem cells without mouse feeder cells to avoid the risk viruses that can transfer from the media to the human. (5) The test use to identify embryonic stem cells in the laboratory. There is no standard test approved yet to the scientists who study human embryonic stem cells. However, the laboratories that grow the human embryonic stem cells use different types of test such as: Growing and subculture of the stem cell for many months to make sure the health of the cell. Use techniques to determine the presence of transcription factors that produced by undifferentiated cells. These are two important transcription factors Nanog and Oct-4. The both factors help the genes to turn on and off to make maintain the stem cell to undifferentiated and self-renewal.(5) The GMP There are many challenges to use the stem cells for replacement therapy. However, the good manufacturing practice (GMP) is quality assurance system that use to make sure the product of stem cells is good and safe to use for treatment. The GMP in human embryonic stem cell culture required several components for good clinical practice. First, the culture or the feeder media that use in the laboratory must be reach to standard of GMP. Second, the inner cell mass of the blastocyst and passaging of the cell. Final, all components of the culture and cryopreservation media should validated to the GMP system. (7) The ethical issue surrounding the use of embryonic cell need be carefully controlled. In UK human embryonic stem cell can collected from left over embryos produced as part of vitro fertilisation. This can done under strict UK guidelines from Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority and only in the early stage embryos can be use in research up to maximum of 14 day of development.(8) The power of stem cell In 1980, the researcher take stem cell inside the developing embryos and growth in the laboratory to make the human embryonic stem cell. However, the adult stem cell are extremely powerful and easier for researcher to make embryonic stem cell and can converted into any type of cell in the body. But there is risk that the stem cell may grow uncontrolled in the body which cause to formation of tumour.(8) Scientist in Japan worked to make stem cell from normal adult cell in 2006 and this called induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS). This iPS cell in the future may use to make for the patient own cell and it be safe from other factor the affect the patient. The researcher attempted to treat the cell that are die from the nervous cell by make experiment on rat and mice. It show improvement to develop of dopamine that make replace of nervous cell. The researcher can measure the increase of dopamine neuron function in striatum of the patient by using positron emission tomography that make image of the brain.(5) Many researchers believe that embryonic stem cell could be excellent source of dopamine neurons because can grow in culture dish and make into any type of cell after long time in culture. Now, the dopamine neurons have been generated from the Human embryonic stem cell. One study research use the special type of companion cell with specific growth factors to promote the differentiation of the embryonic stem cell through several stages into dopamine (5) References, (2014). Parkinsons Disease Center: Symptoms, Treatments, Causes, Tests, Diagnosis, and Prognosis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2014]. Slate Magazine, (2014). Slate Magazine Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Nov. 2014]., (2014). Health News and Information News Medical. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Nov. 2014]. Meiser, J., Weindl, D. and Hiller, K. (2013). Complexity of dopamine metabolism. Cell Commun Signal, 11(1), p.34., (2014). NIH Stem Cell Information Home Page. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Nov. 2014]., (2014). Home MED Stem Cell Institute, University of Minnesota. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Nov. 2014]. Unger, C., Skottman, H., Blomberg, P., Sirac Dilber, M. and Hovatta, O. (2008). Good manufacturing practice and clinical-grade human embryonic stem cell lines. Human Molecular Genetics, 17(R1), pp.R48-R53. Stem cells the story so far. (2014). progress the research magazine of Parkinsons UK, (15 summer).

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Philosophical Perspectives on Music Education Essay

Music is one subject that is very rarely given attention in the academe. The most controversial issue that is attached to this is whether or not music should be taught in schools, or why music should be taught, for that matter. Contrary to what most people believe, music education is an imperative part of student growth (Davidson, 1932). This issue has resulted to the perceived need to change public opinion. Several â€Å"music advocacies† which come in many forms were established, seeking to change this mindset that people have about music education. Most music advocacies are based on legitimate findings and scientific arguments, although many others rely on unconvincing and rather controversial data. It should be noted that students should be exposed to music so that they are able to communicate and understand their own feelings (Zbikowski, 2002). Arts, whether it be visual or audio allows us to have an insight to our emotional self and cultivates the growth of intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence. In colleges, music education is usually one of the densest subjects. Although some schools and organizations encourage incorporation of arts in classes, such as music with other subjects such as Math, Science, or English, people still fail to see the importance of arts in the academics (Zbikowski, 2002). For many people, academic subjects should go beyond what is best for the students to learn. It should also incorporate things that will help students cultivate the need to learn. Music has taken the biggest cut on the academe—it has not been given importance as it should be. In this paper, the philosophical perspectives of three authors will explain why music is among the most important subjects that should be taught in schools and why there is a need to do so. Charles Fowler Charles Fowler believes that through artistic representations such as music, people are able to share, at some point, a common humanity. In the same manner, life would be meaningless without shared expressions which make people understand one another. He also very firmly believes that Science is not the only conveyor of what we may consider true. Science may be able to explain how flowers bloom or how humans are conceived, but it fails to convey its emotive meaning and impact, as the Arts does. He emphasizes that both are important, and that both should be given importance (Fowler, 1996). He considers Arts such as music as an act of intelligence and should be treated no less compared to other subjects as it is a form of thought that is every bit as important as science and mathematics when it comes to what these subjects convey. Inasmuch as the pyramids of Egypt, the Statue of Liberty, and the Hanging Garden of Babylon can be mathematically or scientifically explained as to how they were built, a musical piece can also show people many other evenly important aspects of its existence. Arts allow us to create our own representation to concepts, ideas and feelings as perceived by people. In the same manner, music was created for us to be able to react to the world in the form of music, to record our impressions and to analyze things and share them with other people. Like science and mathematics, music needs to be studied before being fully understood (Fowler, 1996). Because today’s schools are understood to be concerned as they should be to teaching literacy, it should be noted that literacy also includes understanding of music. This is because music allows us to fully express, represent, and communicate the full scale of human life, which is a pre-requisite to understanding the real essence of language, mathematics, science, economics, philosophy, and the list could go on and on. If one is asked, â€Å"What constitutes a good education? † one is expected to hear an answer which would mention about a full knowledge about Sciences and Math. True enough, this is very critical in a person’s life if he aims to have a place in the work force. Very few would also argue with that. However, this idea should not and never make us overlook how important music is and what it can do for the mind and spirit of people (Fowler, 1996). Fowler believes that school administrators, teachers, professors and educators should be reminded that one obligation that a school has for their students is to inspire them, in whatever way, and ignite their minds for them to be better individuals. Music often ignites that goal and serves as the fuel. It is one way to apply one’s imaginations, thoughts and feelings. In relation to the reform movement of America which focuses on improving the quality of education by inspiring them, introducing self discipline, discovering the joys of learning, the uniqueness of one’s being, the possibilities and wonders of life and the achievement and satisfaction, Fowler believes that arts can be used to attain these goals (Henry, 1958). He also emphasizes that the world does not need better and more arts education simply because the world needs more artists. He believes that there are far better reasons for schools to provide a healthy and in-depth education in Arts. Quite simply, this is one way people communicate with each other, although not generally verbally, but emotionally. Music is the language of the world which helps people express fear, anger, anxiety, curiosity, hunger, hopes, dreams and so on. Music is the universal language by which the world is able to express itself to its constituents; the world speaks through music. Music is not just important—Fowler believes that it is a center force of human existence. Arts in school should never be isolated from any other subjects in the academe. It should be included in the framework of general education and should be part of the curriculum of all American schools, or all schools in the world for that matter. Arts should at all times be related to general education because it is essential in establishing a strong curriculum. Every person should then be given the opportunity to learn as much as they can about arts (Fowler, 1996). Charles Leonhard  Leonhard believes that although it is an easy task for educators to make their students love music, they should still consider finding ways to make music education more effective and enjoyable. He discussed that there is a raising concern for higher standards of music education. For instance, students nowadays are more informed about music, which is why educators should also adapt to this by teaching higher standards of musical literature and musical performances, and using better musical instruments that will best fit the taste of students and will thus inspire them to learn more about music. By doing so, he stresses out that school administrators all over the world will be inspired to make music education as an equal part of the general education (Elliot, 1995). He was also concerned about music being part of everyone’s lives. As the motto of music educators has for years been â€Å"Music for every child and every child for music†, this applies that every child and youth should be taught to love music, regardless the degree of understanding or talent in music they have. Just as this is important, he also believes that the music teaching should be on the same footing to that of the regular academic subjects and should be made functional, instead of treating it like a fad. Leonhard feels that now is the time to firmly establish music in the school curriculum, to gain increased acceptance of the idea that music should be an essential part of general education for everyone. Achievement of this ambition requires an expanded range of communication between music educators and all other educators, plus the interested public. It is only by a wider sharing of ideas that changes can occur. To achieve this, a very sensible approach has been used. This approach is placing ideas about the values of music education in a broader context of ideas about education in general and of building relationships between the intellectual resources of music educators. This is surely advisable, even necessary. Nevertheless there are difficulties in this kind of operation. Estelle Jorgensen Estelle Jorgensen contested many philosophers who treated music as a â€Å"difficulty†, and who considered music not to be part of the general education. Jorgensen sees the importance of having people be aware of the need to understand, appreciate and use music for one to apply it in his or her everyday life. The arts then have a potential contribution to the general education, as it has in general life. While school subjects often included music, arts were not always present. She believes that most people fail to see the importance of arts in the reality of life, and what difference it does to the world. For instance, love in itself is art; the human body is an art; everything around us is an art, yet many fails to understand and realize this fact. In American schools where there is willingness on the part of the authorities to accord a reasonable amount of time to music, she believes that work in appreciation is sometimes undertaken. But to accomplish anything systematic and lasting, teachers would have to be content to attack the problem in a less spectacular manner than commonly maintains in our schools. In view of the experience which precedes this work, the study of music appreciation in the high school should begin at the beginning and be satisfied to cover comparatively little ground. There are, moreover, three requisites without which any course of this kind would be practically worthless. First, the teacher must be a reasonably well-educated musician, possessing knowledge of the subject far more extensive than that required by his immediate work, and an acquaintance with other branches of education such as would enable him to draw parallels between music and other fields of learning. He should have, too, a highly cultivated taste, and a faith in the capacity of youth to perceive and enjoy beauty without the aid of sugar-coated musical palliatives or sensational devices which are calculated to enhance interest, but which, in reality, distract attention from the music itself. And last, the illustrations should offer as nearly as possible a true presentation of the work under discussion. She believes that music should be thought in an ideal way for it to be appreciated (Rogers, 1998). Conclusion Like other subjects in the curriculum of American schools, the arts provide an opportunity for children to realize certain talents and potentials. Particularly in their creative modes, the arts ask students to reach inside themselves to explore their own fascinations and perceptions and to give them suitable and precise representation. In the process of translating their inner discernments and revelations into a symbolic form, children discover and develop their capabilities and uncover some of their human possibilities. Because they are so personal in what they require of each would-be artist, the arts can disclose important insights and impart crucial–and practical-habits of thought that are generally not taught as well through other subjects (Swanwick, 1996). Among the three philosophers, Charles Fowler had much to say about Arts being an essential part of a school’s curriculum. It is precisely because the creative act flows from the inside out rather than the outside in that it helps youngsters discover their own resources, develop their own attributes, and realize their own personal potential. Education generally does not do this. That is, usually students are told, â€Å"Here is the way the world is,† rather than asked, â€Å"What do you think the world is or might be? † Through the process of refining their own personal visions, students discover and develop their own intellectual resources. Because the arts ask students to determine their own abilities, they are self motivating. They propel and stimulate, fascinate and captivate because they engage students personally with their true inner selves, not some concept of self imposed from outside. All human beings want to know what they can do. By having to draw on their own ideas, students discover and explore their own cognitive capacities (Swanwick, 1988). All three authors, Fowler, Leonhard and Jorgensen had similar views on music education. The three agreed that music should be treated as a vital part of student education. Just who is responsible for educating the next generation in the arts –the schools, other agencies, or a combination of both? Each community is responsible for providing opportunities to its youth to ensure that they will be adequately educated in the arts. How those responsibilities are carried out differs from one community to the next. In those communities with few cultural resources, the schools must assume the primary responsibility. In urban and suburban communities that have access to museums, arts centers, and living artists of all kinds, the responsibility can and should be shared between the schools and the community.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Faculty attitudes towards students with disabilities Essay

There have been an increasing number of disabled students who are moving from high school to post-secondary education over the last few decades. The enactment of the several laws addressing the education of students with disabilities such as the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) of 1990 and American with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 instigated the rise in disabled students in higher education (Rao, 2004).   The IDEA recognizes postsecondary education as one of the aspects in which the education system should strive to achieve. This means that even the disabled persons have a right to receive postsecondary education. On the other hand, the ADA requires that students with disabilities be given access to postsecondary education just as any other member of the society. Inclusion of the Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act is also an emphasis on the right for the disabled to access higher education (Riddell, Tinklin & Wilson, 2005). Students with disability increased in institutions of higher education since the above Acts created favorable conditions characterized by equity in accessing education. According to Eckes and Ochoa (2005) there was an increase in disabled freshmen by more than ten percent as from 1991 to 1996. A significant growth in the number of disabled students accessing post-secondary education is also noted by Rao (2004). Rao (2004) indicates that there was a 16 percent increase in the number of disabled persons who had received at least college education as from 1986 to 1994. In 1996 alone, approximately six percent of the undergraduate population was composed of persons with disabilities. Increase in college enrollment for disabled persons has been recorded in virtually all forms of disabilities. Mull, Sitlington and Alper (2001) for instance report that as from 1976, there has been a tenfold increase in the number of persons with learning disabilities reporting to college. This is also reported as the fastest growing category of disabled college freshmen. In 1996 for instance, learning disabilities constituted 29 to 35 percent of all disabilities recorded in disabled persons enrolling into colleges. Eckes and Ochoa (2005) highlight some of the disabilities that were recorded amongst freshmen in 1994. These include health impairments, impairments in seeing and hearing as well as learning disabilities. Despite the fact that there has been an increase in enrollment of disabled students in college, there has also been a concern about a good majority of these encountering difficulties in completing higher education. This is especially in comparison with students who do not have disabilities. According to Mull, Sitlington and Alper (2001), the number of students with disabilities who attain their target degree is always lower compared to students without disabilities. It is also notable that a greater number of disabled students versus students without disabilities spend more time in the postsecondary program. In one study, Mull, Sitlington and Alper (2001) report that while 80 percent of learning disability students spent more than five years to graduate from postsecondary institutions, only 56 percent of those without disabilities spent such a time. These statistics indicate problems with outcome of higher education among students with disabilities. The experiences of disabled students in higher learning institutions therefore become worth exploring since they are key to effective learning and desirable outcomes. Disability defined When addressing the attitudes of faculty towards students with disabilities, it is worth considering and understanding the various disabilities encountered. A definition of disability is therefore an important understanding in this field since it helps in comprehending some of the attitudes that may be encountered in faculties. It is recognized that disability can be defined from a medical and social perspective or the International Classification of Functioning as per the World Health Organization (Mitra, 2006). In this paper, the medical aspect of disability is considered with physical and mental disabilities taking preeminence. According to Mitra (2006) disability as per the medical model entails an individual having a problem resulting from any health condition (e.g. disease or injury). The disabling health condition is considered as unwanted since it places the individual into â€Å"sick† position which requires medical care. The medical model of disability emphasizes of the inability of the disabled person to function â€Å"normally†. As such, rehabilitative efforts are mounted to ensure that the disabled person functions as close to normal as possible. For instance, a physically disabled individual may be depending on a wheelchair to move. According to World Health Organization (2007), disability is defined under the International Classification of Functioning (ICF). The ICF recognizes that some health conditions lead to impairments more so in the functioning of the body. As such, the individual gets limited or restricted to participate in certain activities such as work and education. Lack of access to education for persons with impairments for instance may be considered as a hindered participation according to ICF. The International Classification of Functioning incorporates social and medical aspects of disability. In addition to identifying medical conditions as causes of impairment, the model also recognizes that the impairment limit an individual’s participation in certain activities, thus bringing in a social inequality (Woodcock, 2009). The restricted participation is considered as a contextual aspect whereby some factors such as personal background, law and the attitudes of the community may determine the limitation to participate. As such, a disabled person may be limited in terms of participating in education or accessing other social services. This is the reason why Mitra (2006) argues that disabled persons face certain disadvantages similar to those encountered by oppressed minority groups. Among the experienced inequalities is school segregation. One may be born with certain disabilities whereas others are acquired during day-to-day life for instance due to traumatizing event. Some of the disabilities that students who get enrolled to postsecondary learning institutions have include impaired sight, impaired hearing, impaired speech, impaired health and learning disabilities as the most common impairment. The above impairments are considered as serious and common disabilities compared to mild forms of disabilities which are less common amongst students. Learning disabilities constitute a myriad of disabilities such as dyscalculia i.e. problems with resolving mathematical computations, dysgraphia i.e. writing difficulties, aphasia i.e. language use problems and dyslexia problem whereby the student experiences problems in reading (Walker & Heffne, 2006). Important to note is that the learning disabilities may be a bit difficult for college tutors and professors to identify in students as opposed to physical disabilities such as a student using a wheelchair. Disabilities such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or dyslexia are particularly difficult to detect. Overview of Americans with Disability Act involving higher education Disabled persons are part of the society and as much as they are grouped as part of the minority, they are also diversity in the society (Bryan, 2010). Being part of a minority in the American society, they are faced with the potential to be segregated. In response to the need to protect the disabled Americans from discrimination and segregation in terms of access to social amenities, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted in 1970. This is a law that has specifically addressed the persons with special needs and the special education has been clearly addressed more so in regard to institutions of higher education discriminating against disabled students. Students with disabilities have been advocated for in the ADA in terms of their access to higher education. The Americans with Disabilities Act was enacted in July 1990 to provide for the access of postsecondary education for students with disabilities (Bryan, 2010). There are several provisions in the ADA including instructions on accommodation of students with disabilities. One important requirement of the ADA is that the student has the responsibility of the disclosing their disability to the institution’s authorities for them to benefit from the Act’s provisions. According to (Walker, 2006), institutions of higher education are prohibited from enquiring of the disability status of the student by the ADA. On the other hand, once a student has disclosed their disability status, the institution is supposed to handle the student as per ADA’s provision. According to Title II and III of the ADA, disabled persons are not supposed to be denied access to facilities which are accessible to the public including private facilities (Hernandez, Keys & Balcazar, 2004). As such public and private learning institutions are supposed to provide accommodation for disabled students indiscriminately. While Title II prohibits discrimination of the disable from accessing public entities, Title III of the same Act adds that disabled persons should not be denied accommodation in private places so long as those entities cab be accessed by the public. Specifically, Title III states that â€Å"no individual shall be discriminated against on the basis of disability in the full and equal enjoyment of goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations† (Sullivan, Lantz & Zirkel, 2000, p 261). In view of the provisions in the Americans with Disabilities Act, the disabled student is put into the mainstream higher education community. The ADA is highly hailed by the disabled postsecondary students since their concerns are highly addressed (Hernandez, Keys & Balcazar, 2004). The attitudes of the general public towards the inclusion of the concerns of the disabled as provided in Title II and III of ADA are particularly hailed. With ADA in place, postsecondary institutions of learning have been made to provide services that support the disabled students to have the best experience during their time in the institution. Bryan (2010) states that since the enactment of the ADA, postsecondary institutions have been forced to reevaluate their services so as to accommodate the disabled persons as per the requirements of ADA. Most institutions have specifically addressed changes in programs catering for individuals with learning disabilities. If a disabled person has complied with the requirements of the ADA and the institution of learning discriminates the individual, the institution can be sued by such an individual. It is to be noted that ADA is a reinforcement of Section 504 as explored below.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

God and Evil - 1273 Words

PHL 101 11 March 2012 A Summary of the problem of evil and a critical evaluation of how it is said to undermine the traditional characteristics of God. This paper will attempt to review the philosophical quandary of the existence of evil and if evil exists can God exist and if so can this God still be declared perfect? The epistemological issue that arises is One’s knowledge of God and the validity of God’s existence. What is good and what is evil? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines evil as: 1. a : morally reprehensible : sinful, wicked lt;an evil impulsegt; b : arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct lt;a person of evil reputationgt; 2 a: archaic : inferior b : causing discomfort or†¦show more content†¦As with a lot of things concerning God, it is based on an interpretation of what God says is good or not good. Those would be a form of evil that has no basis to be inherently good. If a parent punishes a child by spanking them, that is considered by a great many to be evil and wrong. But a good number of children will take this lesson as something not to be repeated. While the act is evil in nature, it can produce a positive outcome in the end. Looking at the Holocaust and the evil that was present there, how can we say this was allowed by God and what was the good of it. While on face value the mass murder of over 6 million people is not a good thing, we can learn a bit of tolerance from it. This evil act was perpetrated by one person who got a whole nation to believe what he said. While there are the ones who openly and covertly defied his will, humanity as a whole can learn from this. Jus t because an individual is part of a larger group doesn’t make him evil. Primo Levi and Auschwitz survivor wrote in his book about the guards, â€Å"These were not monsters. I didn’t see a single monster in my time in the camp. Instead I saw people like you and I who were acting in that way because there was Fascism, Nazism in Germany. Were some form of Fascism or Nazism to return, there would be people, like us, who would act in the same way, everywhere.† (Cantacuzino) Does evil undermine God? It all depends on how you look at it. Evil isShow MoreRelatedEvil And The Existence Of God1147 Words   |  5 PagesThis essay is based on how the problem of evil attacks head on into the existence of god who is all good, all powerful and all knowing. The problem of evil is a wide area that can t be outrun easily. The concept of evil has been problematic to many philosophers. When speaking about evil, we all have the idea that is the absence of good. For some religious people, Evil has been described as a supernatural force, although for others is been described as part of the human nature. Blackburn mainly raiseRead MoreThe Existence Of God : Evil1297 Words   |  6 PagesThe Existence of God Throughout the years as the human species keeps learning about the world we live in, we are finding out that we are surrounded everywhere by evil. This seems to conflict with the belief of theism, one who believes in a God or Gods, especially a personal God who’s in control of the world. If there was an all-omnipotent, all-omniscient, and all-benevolent God, then he should have consummate knowledge that there’s evil in the world. Given that, if he knows there’s corruptionRead MoreIs God Good Or Evil?897 Words   |  4 PagesIn order for us to ask whether God is good and all-knowing or negligent to the evil andsorrow our lives contain, we must examine ourselves. It is not a question of God’s love or thepresence of evil, but how we live and perceive evil in our lives.The journey to answeringwhether God is good or why bad things happen to the undeserving will be discussed in thefollowing response.Our creator gave us the ability to make our own choices th rough free will. When Godgave us this wonderful gift, one can assumeRead MoreGod Is Good And Evil1451 Words   |  6 Pagesworld has been corrupted by evil, and a God is going to restore it to its nature. Apparently, the restoration is indeed obvious. It is shown through the everlasting teachings of kindness, harmony, and peace. Men are smart, but they are selfish and ignorant, making them unable to invent such moral teachings. Hence, those teachings, or Laws, are derived from an another source—God—who is perfectly selfless. Indeed, Christianity is sensical, for there are evidences that God is making changes in humanityRead MoreThe Existence Of God : Evil1293 Words   |  6 Pages The Existence of God Throughout the years as the human species keeps learning about the world we live in, we are finding out that we are surrounded everywhere by evil. This seems to conflict with the belief of theism, one who believes in a God or Gods, especially a personal God who’s in control of the world. If there was an all-omnipotent, all-omniscient, and all-benevolent God, then he should have consummate knowledge that there’s evil in the world. Given that, if he knows there’sRead MoreGod Is Not The Creator Of Evil1388 Words   |  6 PagesEvil exists in the world because of man’s poor choices not because God created it that way. God made man in His image and gave man the ability to choose between good and evil. He did not want to force us to love Him however man chose to disobey God and as a result evil entered the world. Genesis 1:27 KJV â€Å"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.† â€Å"The phrase â€Å"The problem of evil† is a label of such problems involving both God andRead MoreThe Evil Of Gods And Goddesses1176 Words   |  5 PagesMany years ago, the humans set ablaze the Earth. Destruction was all around their disfigured bodies, and where life once thrived, it vanished into an abyss. The gods and goddesses were horrified, so Zeus took charge. He ordered Hephaestus to create a human baby that’s blessed with godlike qualities. The child would seem to be a gift from the heavens, but in reality, she is going to destroy the world in unforgiving heat. The child’s name is Xiuhcoatl. Zeus kept the child a secret from the rest, andRead MoreThe Problem Of Evil And The Existence Of God1636 Words   |  7 PagesThe Problem of Evil is one of the most influential and common arguments in modern philosophy against the existence of a Greater Being, God (Trakakis, 2006). Both Theist, those who believe in the existence of God, and Atheist, those who don’t believe in the existence of God, argue that evil exists in the world. The Problem of Evil explores whether the existence of evil and suffering constitutes significance evidence for atheism. When looking at the definition of the greater being, most refer to theRead More God And The Problem Of Evil Essay1252 Words   |  6 PagesGod And The Problem Of Evil Everyday it is possible to read a newspaper, or turn on TV or radio news and learn about evil going on in our world. Banks are robbed, cars are stolen, violent murders and rapes are committed. Somewhere in the world the aftershock of an earthquake is being felt. Cancer is killing millions of people each year, while other debilitating conditions continue to affect many with no cure to end their suffering. President Bush said that our country is fighting a war againstRead MoreIs the Old Testament God Evil?600 Words   |  3 Pagesthe Old Testament God Evil?† One of the oldest denunciations of the bible is that God of the Old Testament is murderous, demanding dictator that promotes genocide of races. As an individual reads the Old Testament, God does instruct Joshua and the Israelites to completely destroy the Canaanites’ nation in the land He has promised them, or where God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son. Numerous other incidents in the bible that the carnal mind misconstrue as our Sovereign God as being warlord